The following are my 2 flagship workshops that can be scheduled at any time. Workshops can be taught to groups or individuals. You can sign up here.
Throughout each year I also offer special 1 off workshops that can be viewed here.
The Simple Sabbath
In a time where overwork and exhaustion are wreaking havoc on our life and relationships, a sabbath practice is perhaps the most effective way to enter into a healthy rhythm of rest.
This workshop is is simple & practical. It shares the heartbeat behind a sabbath practice and has a hyper practical path to implementing sabbath in your life.
You can learn more and sign up for The Simple Sabbath Workshop here.
A Modern Rule of Life
Do you run your schedule or does your schedule run you? For thousands of years people have implemented a rule into their life as a means to find ballance, peace, and direction in their daily life
A rule of life is a simple support structure in your daily rhythm that points your life in the direction you want it to go. It’s not rules for life, but rather a rule (support) of life. This workshop is carted to our modern world with practical guidance toward are more healthy lifestyle.
You can learn more and sign up for a Modern Rule of Life workshop here.